Website Cookies
Cookies and Privacy
Most websites use cookies of some nature and this site is no exception.
Cookies are sometimes looked at in a bad light. However most are there to help you with your web experience. So what do cookies do and how do we use them?
Web sites use cookies mainly because they save time and make the browsing experience more efficient and enjoyable. Web sites often use cookies for the purposes of collecting demographic information about their users.
Cookies enable web sites to monitor their users' web surfing habits and profile them for marketing purposes (for example, to find out which products or services they are interested in and send them targeted advertisements).
Session, or transient cookies
Cookies that are stored in the computer's memory only during a user's browsing session and are automatically deleted from the user's computer when the browser is closed.
These cookies usually store a session ID that is not personally identifiable to users, allowing the user to move from page to page without having to log-in repeatedly. They are widely used by commercial web sites (for example, to keep track of items that a consumer has added to a shopping cart).
Session cookies are never written on the hard drive and they do not collect any information from the user's computer. Session cookies expire at the end of the user's browser session and can also become no longer accessible after the session has been inactive for a specified length of time, usually 20 minutes.
Permanent, persistent, or stored cookies
Cookies that are stored on the user's computer and are not deleted when the browser is closed. Permanent cookies can retain user preferences for a particular web site, allowing those preferences to be used in future browsing sessions.
Permanent cookies can be used to identify individual users, so they may be used by web sites to analyse users' surfing behaviour within the web site. These cookies can also be used to provide information about numbers of visitors, the average time spent on a particular page and generally the performance of the web site. They are usually configured to keep track of users for a prolonged period of time, in some cases many years into the future.
Flash cookies
If you have Adobe Flash installed on your computer (most computers do), small files may be stored on your computer by websites that contain Flash media, such as video clips. These files are known as Local Shared Objects (LSOs) or Flash cookies. They can be used for the same purposes as regular cookies (properly called HTTP cookies).
Flash cookies can also back up the data that is stored in a regular cookie. When you delete cookies using your browser controls, your Flash cookies are not affected. So a website that served a cookie to you may recognise you on your next visit if it backed up its now-deleted cookie data to a Flash cookie.
You can control Flash cookies. Adobe's website offers tools to control Flash cookies on your computer and users of the Firefox browser can also get an add-on to detect and delete Flash cookies.
No. Cookies are small pieces of text. They are not computer programs, and they can't be executed as code. Also, they cannot be used to disseminate viruses, and modern versions of both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers allow users to set their own limitations to the number of cookies saved on their hard drives.
General information about cookies on this website
All of the cookies on this website do not record personal information as regards your name address etc. They are used to help us understand how engaging the website pages. It allows us, in some cases to adjust some pages so that you are presented with the most relevant page based on your search.
All of these cookies can be blocked within your web browser settings.
Google Analytics
Cookie: UA-74088129-2
We use a page tracking cookie to show us pages viewed on the website. This cookie records IP address to track movements around the website. It allows us to keywords used within Google to find webs pages and to help use format pages so the best page is displayed upon your search. It doe not indicate you personally.
It also gives us information if old index pages are still trying to be viewed and if there any broken internal or external page links on the website. It also records the use of internal searches used and will display results on the website.
Microsoft Bing
Cookie: 14A0AA9CDD73B7BBA3CFB992024F00EE
Used to update the Bing web browser and index web pages on the Bing search engine. Like Google is also a page tracking cookie. No personal data is recorded or used.
Cookie: 35587762b4ddf06e
Yandex is used to index the website and all of its content. This allows you to easily find articles, pdf, images and video that may be on this website. Indexing helps you as a user find what you are looking for easier
Cookie: ‘10962559’ ‘0b4d86f3’
The StatCounter Cookie again tracks visitors to this website. It recalls IP address and provides information about your visit. It will show if you are a returning visitor to the website a new viewer, the pages you have visited and the length of stay. It will also show links used to exit pages both internal or external. This cookie will or show the screen resolution used, OS, and search engine that you may have used to find pages. It will also show external links used to this website. It does not show Google search keywords and does not record personal information.
UK and EU Privacy 25th May 2018
If you email us directly or use one of the mail forms on this website the detail you provide is used for the correspondence purposes only. The details you may provide name, email and on some occasions, your telephone number will be stored in order to provide you with information relating to your enquiry/subsequence enquires. By emailing us you give us permission to retain this information for this purpose.
We do not sell or pass on your information to third parties for marketing purposes.
If your correspondence is related to marketing/business transactions your email correspondence will be retained for transactional purposes.
Third Party Websites
We are not responsible for the use of third party websites linked to this website. Please see their own cookies and EU privacy Policies.
Advertising Enquiries
Details regarding advertising can be found on the Advertising Page and are subject to the terms and conditions of the website.
Marketers making advertising enquiries may periodically receive additional information as regards future Darts events. You can Opt-out receiving such information at any time.
Most dart events are live TV broadcast reaching a worldwide audience. These events gain high viewing figures and as such, provide the ideal vehicle for betting, casino and bookmakers.
Information regarding such events can allow you to forward plan any advertising campaign you may wish to consider.
StatCounter is used on this site to record viewer visits and changing your setting you can block many programs like this. Websites don't have to display hit rates but that doesn't mean that they are not running a StatCounter in the background. If you feel you would like to remove you PC from being recorded by StatCounter you can by following this link button below.
More information about Cookies and how and why they are used can be found here:
New EU cookie law (e-Privacy Directive) Information Commissioners Office (ico)
Business & General Contact Forms
Please use the appropriate mail form for your correspondence and tick the acceptance box to indicate you have read and understood this website's privacy statement, terms and conditions. For my security, your IP address will also be recorded. Your email will not be sent if you do not tick the acceptance box.
Should you need to send us a written article attachment, please first contact us via the mail form below so I can respond with the appropriate email address for you to send your document.
Please note is a dart information website only. We do not sell dart equipment from this website. Should you send an enquiry about a product you want to purchase? We will assume the email is intended for one of the website's dart supplier's advertisers and will forward your enquiry and email to them so they can give you a formal reply.
Should you contact us without using the mail form, you will still be bound and covered by the same terms, conditions and privacy information on this website.
Please use the General Contact form for all enquiries that do not relate to advertising, guest posts or web link insertion. Please use the business contact form if your enquiry relates to any of these.
Please note the business / Advertising form is for professional marketers' enquiries only, not general contact. I do not consider anyone using a generic email address / personal email address such as Gmail, Hotmail, Mail, Outlook and the many other Free emails as a professional. Such emails are not associated with any business, so you will not receive a reply.
If you work for a professional marketing company, please use an email address linked to the business domain/company you represent. The business domain MUST have a checkable website that details your address and MUST be established for two years or more.
Please note the email responses will either come from or the parent site
This website is written, maintained and owned by David King.
Contact Form
If you receive an email in which you are asked to give us card details or similar information, please be aware that this is not sent by or by any of the David King Web development. Please do not respond to such requests.
If you ever receive an email in which you are asked to give specific personal data via a link, do not reply to this, do not click on the link and delete it immediately.
What is a phishing email?
Phishing email messages are designed to steal your identity and/or infect your computer with a virus. They ask for personal data, often by asking you to click on a link and directing you to websites or phone numbers where they ask you to provide personal data. The link will often try to infect your computer with a virus. After that personal details will be misused immediately via e.g. Java and Adobe Flash.
PayPal Transactions
Payment for advertising on this website is usually conducted using PayPal, unless otherwise agreed. Payment via PayPal for advertising:
Direct payments to the advertising department accepted. PayPal invoices from the advertising department can also be raised against your PayPal account for advertising transactions.
Payments are collected via departmentx part of the David King web development group. Please note your data is only for the transaction purposes only. Payment details are not shared or used for any marketing purposes.
Should a circumstance arise where a refund is necessary this will be conducted in the same way you made the payment. Via your PayPal account used.
Your transaction data is not stored on this website. It is only stored by the payment provider ‘PayPal’. By using PayPal, you also agree to PayPal terms and condition as regards your data.
General Information
Darts-UK is a darts information site with many free downloads for you to use for personal use only. I would like to thank all the major suppliers and professional players for their support, time and supply of artwork used in this site. In particular I would like to thank Winmau, Harrows. Unicorn and Target for the supply of hundreds of dart images and the PDC, PDPA, BDO, WDF, UKDA, WDDA and BDDA for use of their logos .
General information pages, news articles and some external links
Most of the professional darts watched on TV and the internet is sponsored by responsible bookmakers. The nature of the sport along with football, cricket, horse racing, F1, rugby and other competitive sports could not function without their sponsorship.
News articles on this website written by of this author of this website and by some third-party writers. Articles may contain external links to online casino’s, betting, bookmakers, promotional betting affiliated codes or websites of a similar nature. These websites can be based in the UK or Worldwide and have no association with this website or the website owner.
I encourage anyone using the links for online gaming or betting that they bet responsively. If you have a problem with gambling or need some help and you live in the UK please visit one of the gambling awareness websites listed below for help:
Disclaimer / Terms of use
Darts-UK is a darts information site with many free downloads for you to use for personal use.
This site has been written for the use of the general public and professional dart players.
Although the information and recommendations at this internet site are presented in good faith and believed to be correct, Darts-UK or it’s owner makes no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of the information.
Information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving same will make their own determination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. In no event will Darts-UK or it’s owner be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon information from this site or the products to which the information refers.
Copyright Information
All content is copyright to Darts-UK. Other Images and logos are copyright to their respective owners. I would like to thank the following manufactures, suppliers, organisations and individuals for their help with the construction of this site by means of supplied graphics, logo's and technical information. Harrow's dart technology, Winmau Dartboard manufacturers, Red Dragon, Nodor, Unicorn Darts, Target Darts, Puma Darts, Datadart, Nuvolux Circumluminator, PDC, BDO, England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland Darts.
Third Parties
This site contains links to other parties. Darts-UK or it’s owner makes no warranty or representation regarding any linked site or the materials appearing therein. Such links do not constitute an endorsement by Darts-UK or it’s owner of any such sites and are provided only as a convenience. Darts-UK or it’s owner is not responsible for the content or links displayed on such sites.
Please use the contact form to make any enquires - contact
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Copy and paste the HTML code below into your HTML webpage or Copy the banner logo to the left and make your own linking code.
If you need a larger or different shaped Darts-UK graphic link please contact us.
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